Mudaliar and Menon’s Clinical Obstetrics, 13th edition
T Radha Bai Prabhu
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

The thirteenth edition of Mudaliar and Menon’s Clinical Obstetrics has been thoroughly revised in keeping with the recent advances in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology as well as the new Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum introduced by the National Medical Council (NMC).

While topics such as prenatal diagnosis, abnormal labour, hypertensive disorders and MTP have been thoroughly updated in keeping with the most recent international guidelines, this edition also features new topics such as Zika and COVID infections. Epilepsy and asthma, shoulder dystocia and bronchial asthma have been covered in newly added chapters. A new chapter has also been added on medical ethics and medicolegal issues, as these are important aspects of medicine that should be taught to students of the subject so that they may learn to ethically practice medicine.

Each chapter opens with a mention of the CMBE competencies covered therein as well as a list of learning objectives that outline the knowledge and skills a student would acquire from that chapter. Evidence-based information is provided in accordance with the latest guidelines recommended by national and international bodies. A number of clinical photographs and USG images have been added to aid in the visualisation of concepts.

Examination is the most difficult challenge faced by a medical student. Keeping this in mind, essential points are presented in boxes, tables and algorithms for better comprehension and ease of memorisation. In most chapters, discussions on clinical scenarios have been added to help students to understand the clinical aspects and problem-based approach to various ailments. To encourage students to self-learn, the essay questions, short answer questions and MCQs at the end of each chapter have been extensively updated.

This book is a handy resource for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students as well as teachers.


T Radha Bai Prabhu was the former Director and Superintendent of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Government Hospital for Women and Children, Chennai. Currently, she is Professor and HOD of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Sri Muthu Kumaran Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai.

Section I: Anatomy and Physiology
1. The Pelvis
2. Anatomy of the Female Genital Organs
3. Physiology of Ovulation and Menstruation
4. Fertilisation of the Ovum and Development of the Placenta, Embryo and Fetus

Section II: Physiology of Pregnancy
5. Maternal Changes During Pregnancy
6. Diagnosis of Pregnancy
7. The Fetus in Normal Pregnancy
8. Preconceptional and Antenatal Care
9. Drugs in Pregnancy
10. Imaging Techniques
11. Antepartum Fetal Surveillance: Tests of Fetal Well-Being

Section III: Physiology of Labour and the Puerperium
12. Causation and Stages of Labour
13. The Mechanism of Labour
14. Conduct of Normal Labour
15. Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance
16. Induction of Labour
17. Normal Puerperium

Section IV: Complications of Pregnancy
18. Hyperemesis Gravidarum
19. Miscarriage (Abortion) 188
20. Ectopic Pregnancy 200
21. Hydatidiform Mole (Vesicular Mole) 214
22. Antepartum Hemorrhage—Abruptio Placentae 224
23. Placenta Previa 233
24. Preterm Labour 242
25. Fetal Growth Restriction 253
26. Prolonged Pregnancy (Post-Term Pregnancy) 265
27. Multiple Pregnancy 270
28. Rh-Isoimmunisation 283

Section V: Diseases Complicating Pregnancy
29. Anemia Complicating Pregnancy 295
30. Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy 310
31. Diabetes Complicating Pregnancy 331
32. Diseases of the Cardiovascular System 344
33. Liver and Gastrointestinal Disorders Complicating Pregnancy 354
34. Respiratory Diseases Complicating Pregnancy—Tuberculosis and Bronchial Asthma 361
35. Maternal Infections During Pregnancy 367
36. Diseases of the Urinary System Complicating Pregnancy 387
37. Epilepsy Complicating Pregnancy 393
38. Tumours of the Uterus and Adnexae Complicating Pregnancy 396
39. Surgical Emergencies Complicating Pregnancy 403

Section VI: Abnormal Labour
40. Abnormal Fetal Position and Presentations (Occipitoposterior Position, Face and Brow Presentations)
41. Transverse Lie/Oblique Lie/Unstable Lie
42. Breech Presentation and Compound Presentation
43. Shoulder Dystocia and Umbilical Cord Prolapse
44. Abnormal Labour and Dystocia Due to Anomalies of the Expulsive Force
45. Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD) and Obstructed Labour
46. Abnormalities of the Reproductive Tract
47. Complications of the Third Stage of Labour
48. Injuries to the Parturient Canal

Section VII: Postpartum Management
49. Puerperal Infection and Other Postpartum Complications

Section VIII: The Newborn and Neonatal Problems
50. Resuscitation and Examination of the Newborn
51. Feeding of the Newborn and Immunisation
52. Respiratory Distress and Neonatal Sepsis
53. Neonatal Jaundice
54. Neonatal Problems and Their Management

Section IX: Obstetric Operations and procedures
55. The Forceps and the Vacuum Extractor
56. Version and Destructive Operations
57. Cesarean Section

Section X: Miscellaneous
58. Maternal Mortality
59. Perinatal Mortality
60. Coagulation Disorders
61. Use of Blood and Blood Products in the Obstetric Practice
62. Prenatal Diagnosis
63. Medical Termination of Pregnancy
64. Contraception
65. Ethics and Medicolegal Issues in Obstetrics
66. Maternal and Newborn Health: Initiatives and Programmes by the Government of India

Annexure I: Normal Blood Values
Annexure 2: Obstetric Instruments

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