Maths Ahead 4 #NEP #NCF
Ms K Alamelu
205 x 275 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

The Series
Perfectly aligned with the National Education Policy, Maths Ahead  is a popular and time-tested series of textbooks for Classes 1 to 8. The course is designed specifically to fulfil all Curricular Goals, Competencies for all stages and the Learning Outcomes for all grades as specified in the NCF.

For the student

  • Students’ Textbooks 1–8
  • Students’ Smart Apps 1–8

For the teacher

  • Teachers’ Resource Manuals 1 to 8
  • Orient BlackSwan Teachers’ Portal with Smart Books 1 – 8
  • Solution Manuals 3 to 8

About This Course #NEP #NCF

  • Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary knowledge and thinking—clear progression from  perceptive and practical concepts to theoretical and abstract concepts.
  • Competencies for each stage and Learning Outcomes for each grade—courseware  designed specifically to fulfil all curricular goals
  • Holistic and Experiential  Learning—judicious balance of direct instruction and opportunities for exploration and inquiry through an activity-based and discovery-based approach
  • Values and Dispositions—focus on sustainable development goals (SDGs);  provide insights into critical issues around the world;  foster a sense of global connection and empathy.
  • India Knowledge Systems—engagement with local contexts and traditions to instil a deep sense of pride and build effective democratic participation
  • Assessments For,  As and Of Learning—powered by Learning Outcomes and moving away from rote learning to critical thinking and Higher Order Capabilities
  • Digital Literacy—seamless extension of the teaching-learning environment through a  wealth of digital resources Books 6 – 8

Highlights of the Series

  • Content matched to clearly stated learning outcomes
  • Clear tagging to reflect compliance with the requirements of the NEP and NCF.
  • Concepts made more meaningful by putting abstract concepts into relatable      contexts
  •  Integrated interdisciplinary approach
  • Hands-on, experiential learning through activities that recognise and address multiple    intelligences
  • Focus on developing 21st  Century Skills, SEL, Values and Dispositions
  • Representation of India’s mathematics legacy and heritage across levels
  • Inclusion of Project-based Learning that encourages learning through real-world connect
  • Assessments For, As, Of learning aligned to Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Rich digital resources easily accessed through AR assets and QR codes

Unique Selling Points of the Series

  • NEP and NCF compliant
  • Real-life Connect makes maths concepts more meaningful for the students by putting abstract concepts into relatable contexts
  • Holistic and Experiential Learning provide a judicious balance of direct instruction and opportunities for exploration and inquiry through an activity- and discovery-based approach.
  • India Knowledge Systems instills pride in heritage and engaging with local and regional contexts
  • SDGs help students develop insights into critical issues around the world and foster a sense of global connection and empathy for the earth as a whole
  • Assessments For, As, Of learning aligned to Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Digital Literacy through resource accessible through QR codes and AR resources
  • Teacher Support through the Teachers Manual and the Digital resources
  • Free access to events by OBS

K Alamelu (1 – 5) is Director, Bharti Vidyalaya Senior Secondary School, Chennai.

Saroja Sundararajan (6 – 8) is the former director of Teacher’s Centre of Sprindales School, New Delhi. She is an extremely versatile person with great passion for teaching mathematics using innovative methods. She is an expert teacher trainer with a vast teaching experience in teaching mathematics at school level.

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