Rajniti Siddhant : Avadharanayein Evam Vimarsh
Sanjeev Kumar (Volume editor)
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

Political theory inspires us to think and understand rationally about questions related to human existence and collective life. Political theory has traditionally been concerned with developing a better understanding of important ideas, concepts and relationships between them, such as Liberty, Equality, Justice, Rights, Citizenship, etc.

While writing the book, special care has been taken to present abstract concepts in simple language with suitable examples. It will help to acquaint the readers not only with the basic concepts of political theory but also with important contemporary debates. The book focuses on critical and reflective analysis and interpretation of social and political practices and provides a clear and comprehensible introduction to the complex understanding of concepts such as Egalitarianism, Liberty, Equality, Global  Justice, Gender, Political Obligation  and Human Rights.

Rajniti Siddhant : Avadharanayein Evam Vimarsh (Political Theory: Concepts and Debates) is designed for the four-year undergraduate programme (FYUP) of University of Delhi in Political Science, as per the new syllabus. This book is for second year, III semester Core paper 7:  Political Theory: Concepts and Debates, of BA Hons Political Science. It will also be useful for post graduate students.

Dr Sanjeev Kumar is Professor, Department of Political Science, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi. He has been teaching Political Theory, Indian Political Thought, Western Political Philosophy, Understanding Gandhi for nearly twenty years. His articles have been published in books and national and international research journals. He is the editor of Gandhi and the Contemporary World (2020).
All the contributors of this volume are teaching faculty of DU colleges.

विषय सूची

इकाई 1

अध्याय 1:  स्वतंत्रता (Liberty)
अध्याय 2:  स्वतंत्रता, मुक्ति और स्वराज (Freedom, Emancipation and Swaraj)
अध्याय 3:  भाषण और अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार (Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression)

इकाई 2

अध्याय 4:  समानता (Equality)
अध्याय 5:  समतावाद (Egalitarianism)
अध्याय 6:  सकारात्मक कार्यवाही (Affirmative Action)

इकाई 3

अध्याय 7:  न्याय (Justice)
अध्याय 8:  वैश्विक न्याय (Global Justice)
अध्याय 9:  राजनीतिक बाध्यता (Political Obligation)

इकाई 4

अध्याय 10:  अधिकार (Rights)
अध्याय 11:  मानवाधिकार : सार्वभौमिकता बनाम सांस्कृतिक सापेक्षतावाद (Human Rights : Universalism vs Cultural Relativism)
अध्याय 12:  नागरिकता (Citizenship)
अध्याय 13:  बहुसंस्कृतिवाद (Multiculturalism)

इकाई 5
अध्याय 14:  राज्य (State)
अध्याय 15:  लोकतंत्र (Democracy)
अध्याय 16:  शक्ति (Power)
अध्याय 17: जेंडर (Gender)

शब्द अनुक्रमणिका (Index)

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