Analysis and Interpretation of Topographical Maps
Nelson Petrie
216 x 280 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

Analysis and Interpretation of Topographical Maps comprehensively addresses the compulsory Part 1 of the Geography syllabus for the ICSE Examination. As per the directives of the CISCE Board, this revised edition of the book carries topographical sheets G43S10 and G43S7, two new Educational Series maps published by the Survey of India, in place of the old topographical sheets 45D/7 and 45D/10.

The book:

  • provides guidelines for the interpretation and analysis of the physical and cultural features in topographical maps
  • highlights the new features contained in the updated topographical sheets G43S7 and G43S10, such as power lines, National Highways, metalled roads, dams and aqueducts
  • contains a detailed glossary of terms used and features depicted
  • includes 16 extracts from topographical sheets G43S10 and G43S7, 8 solved sample question papers and 16 sample question papers in the ICSE Board Examination format

This edition also includes:

  • a transparency sheet with grid markings to help students locate the six-grid locations easily, and angular markings to help students identify the directions
  • Access to extra material pertaining to Questions 1 and 2 of Part 1 of the Class 10 ICSE Geography Syllabus through the Orient Blackswan Smart App; it includes:
    • the answer key to the practise papers included in this book
    • solved ICSE question papers based on old topo sheets 45D/7 and 45D/10
    • maps of India showing physical features, crops, minerals, industries, with accompanying blank maps for more practise

Main features:

  • Contains extracts of the new topographical maps G43S7 and G43S10
  • Has 8 sample question papers with answer key covering all the new features introduced by the Survey of India in the revised topographical map series, as well as the old features
  • Has 16 sample question papers for practise

Nelson Petrie has been a teacher of geography for over 35 years. He has also authored several books on geography for students of CISCE schools.