Research Methodology
Ratan Khasnabis and Suvasis Saha
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

Research Methodology addresses empirical research issues with a focus on research design, the problems involved in constructing an appropriate research design and the means to overcome these problems. Data, its sources, methods employed to obtain data, experimental techniques employed, types of errors that may creep in, how to measure, check and control errors are all addressed. Once the data is collected, methods to analyse the data, present them as a cogent report and the limitations of research are dealt with. A detailed case study illustrates all the concepts explained in the book and the chapter-wise assignments will definitely help the student to understand the basic issues of market research. The book is primarily intended to serve as a textbook for the students of Management at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Dr Ratan Khasnabis is Retired Professor, Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta and is still associated with the Department as Honorary Director of MHROM. He has taught various subjects at the postgraduate level. His research areas include applied econometrics, agricultural economics, small industries and small business and environmental economics. He has published several papers in reputed journals. He has also published books on Economics and other branches of social sciences.

Dr Suvasis Saha is Professor, Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta. He has been in postgraduate management education for over 29 years.  He has been a consultant for several reputed firms in India. His areas of interest include marketing research, strategic marketing, services marketing, sales and distribution, brand management, new product development and sustainable marketing. He has published over 65 papers in national and international journals. He has been conferred the best Professor of Marketing Global Award by World Education Congress in the year 2012.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Research Design
Chapter 3: Sources of Data
Chapter 4: Maintaining Data Quality Under Various Settings
Chapter 5: Experimental Techniques
Chapter 6: The Questionnaire Method
Chapter 7: Errors in Data: Measurement Error
Chapter 8: Measurement and Scaling Techniques
Chapter 9: Methods of Data Collection
Chapter 10: Tools of Processing and Analysis of Data
Chapter 11: Sampling, Sampling Errors and Testing of Hypotheses
Chapter 12: Data, Analysis and Report Writing
Chapter 13: Research Administration
Chapter 14: An Illustration of Research Methodology

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