Essential Obstetrics: Textbook for Undergraduates
Asha Oumachigui, S Soundara Raghavan, S Habeebullah
216 x 280 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

This textbook for undergraduates seeks to equip them with the essential skills required in obstetrics covering care during pregnancy, delivery and its complications and wellbeing of the infant and the mother after the delivery. The special features of the book are:

  • exhaustive coverage of the core areas as relevant to the undergraduate syllabus
  • special focus on Indian conditions where there are socioeconomic aspects related to health care like poverty, domestic violence and gender discrimination. The book seeks to sensitise the student to these aspects
  • stress on evidence-based medicine and clinical evaluation to reduce the cost of seeking health care
  • section on demography and contraception is also tailored to Indian conditions

Asha Oumachigui, R Soundararaghavan and S Habeebullah have considerable experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduates at JIPMER, Puducherry. They have brought innovative methodologies to medical teaching

1. Obstetrics: An Overview
2. Ethical Issues
3. Gender Sensitisation
4. Reproductive and Child Health Programme
5. Communication and Counselling
6. Elements of Reproduction and Embryology
7. Development of the Fetus and Placenta
8. Maternal Changes in Pregnancy
9. Diagnosis of Pregnancy
10. Antenatal Care
11. Nutrition During Pregnancy
12. Drugs in Pregnancy
13. Imaging in Obstetrics
14. Screening for Congenital Anomalies
15. Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing
16. Abortions
17. Medical Termination of Pregnancy
18. Ectopic Pregnancy
19. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
20. Amniotic Fluid and its Abnormalities
21. The Maternal Pelvis and the Fetus
22. Physiology of Labour
23. Mechanism of Normal Labour
24. Conduct of Normal Labour
25. Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia
26. Prolonged Labour
27. Occipitoposterior Position,Face and Brow Presentations
28. Breech and Shoulder Presentations
29. Multiple Pregnancy
30. Induction of Labour
31. Vaginal Operative Delivery
32. Cesarean Section
33. Complications of Third Stage of Labour
34. Care of the Newborn
35. Normal Puerperium
36. Lactation and Breastfeeding
37. Abnormal Puerperium
38. Hyperemesis Gravidarum
39. Hypertensive Disorders
40. Antepartum Hemorrhage
41. Preterm Labour
42. Prelabour Rupture of Membranes
43. Prolonged Pregnancy
44. Rhesus Isoimmunisation
45. Fetal Growth Restriction
46. Anemia
47. Heart Disease
48. Respiratory Disorders
49. Diabetes Mellitus
50. Thyroid Disease
51. Urinary Tract Infections
52. Sexually Transmitted Infections
53. Tropical Infections
54. Epilepsy
55. Psychiatric Disorders
56. Diseases of the Liver
57. Common Surgical Causes of Acute Abdomen in Pregnancy
58. Gynecological Disorders Complicating Pregnancy
59. Shock in Obstetrics
60. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
61. Demography, Population Control and Contraception
62. Natural and Conventional Methods of Contraception
63. Hormonal Contraceptives
64. Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices
65. Surgical Contraception
66. Emergency Contraception
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