Advances in Stainless Steels
Baldev Raj, K Bhanu Sankara Rao, T Jayakumar, P V Sivaprasad, Saroja Saibaba, P Shankar
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

Advances in Stainless Steels is the fourth book in the IIM–Universities Press book series on Metallurgy and Materials Science. The book focusses on various facets—processing, component design, properties, fabrication and applications—of the wonder alloy: stainless steel. Stainless steels are a class of versatile alloys, which can be tailored to exhibit a wide range of engineering properties by alloy design and controlled thermomechanical treatments to meet demanding service conditions. Stainless steel production in India is presently about 1.8 million tonnes and accounts for nearly 7% of global tonnage produced. This is likely to show an enormous increase in the near future.

This book covers a broad spectrum of topics spanning the entire life cycle of stainless steel—from alloy design and characterization to engineering design, fabrication, mechanical properties, corrosion, quality assurance of components, in-service performance assessment, life prediction and failure analysis of materials and components. The contents provide useful feedback for further developments aimed at effective utilization of this class of materials. The book comprises articles that bring out contemporary developments in stainless steels and is thematically classified into the following sections.

  • Component design, modelling and structural integrity
  • Manufacturing technology
  • Property evaluation
  • Alloy development and applications
  • Non-destructive evaluation methods
  • Corrosion and surface modification

The articles are of high relevance and interest to manufacturers, fabricators, researchers, designers, suppliers and end users of stainless steel, and serve as a valuable source for everyday reference and also as a guide for providing solutions for challenges connected with alloy design, material selection, melting, processing, fabrication, metallurgy and applications.

Baldev Raj is Distinguished Scientist and Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India. He is a world renowned specialist in non-destructive evaluation, materials development and processing, materials characterization, technology management and education. K Bhanu Sankara Rao is Professor and Dean, School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, University of Hyderabad, India. His specializations include alloy development, mechanical property evaluation and structure–property correlations for nuclear structural materials. T Jayakumar is Outstanding Scientist and Director, Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India. He has specialised in non-destructive evaluation methodologies, inspection technologies, structural integrity assessment and life management. P V Sivaprasad is Deputy General Manager, Sandvik Materials Technology R&D, Pune, India. His fields of expertise include materials development, materials modelling and thermomechanical processing. Saroja Saibaba is Head of Nuclear Materials and Microscopy Section, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India. She is a specialist in physical metallurgy of steels, materials development and characterization and electron microscopy. P Shankar is Principal, Nehru College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India. His areas of interest include surface modification and characterization, nanotechnology, thin films and education.
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