Basic Engineering Thermodynamics
A Venkatesh
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

Basic Engineering Thermodynamics addresses the needs of BTech and BE students studying thermodynamics as a core course. Using his forty-year experience in teaching, the author methodically explains difficult and abstract concepts, making them easy to understand as well as interesting. Numerous carefully chosen solved problems and exercises are given to coach the eager student to tackle every concept. Dr R Nagarajan, formerly Director, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, mentions in his foreword to this edition, ‘There are some who believe that we have reached a stage of “saturation” in developments based on Thermodynamic. However, time and again, it opens up new vistas..... Professor Venkatesh has provided a thorough, comprehensive and traditional treatment of basic thermodynamics, which is of direct interest and relevance to students of Mechanical, Chemical and Aeronautical Engineering.’

A Venkatesh (PhD, IIT Madras, MTech, BE, BSc) has taught BTech students in IIT Madras for 35 years and guided PhD and MTech students in thermal aspects of solar energy. He was the principal of BTL Institute of Technology, Bangalore from 2001-2003. He is an industrial consultant on sponsored projects on NCES and has published nearly 100 papers in professional journals and conferences. He is at present Professor Emeritus at East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
Fundamental Concepts and Definitions / Work / Temperature and Heat / The First Law of Thermodynamics for Systems—Pure Substances / First Law of Thermodynamics for Control Volumes / Heat Engines—The Second Law of Thermodynamics / Reversibility and the Thermodynamic Temperature Scale / Entropy—Available and Unavailable Energy / Ideal Gas and Ideal Gas Mixtures / Properties of Pure Substance—Water / Real Gas / Fuels and Combustion / Objective Type Questions / Bibliography / Index
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