Excel in Science Book 7
Tara Sridhar, Jaipriya Balaji, Padmini Balasubramaniam, Dimple Sood
216 x 280 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Sangam Books

Excel in Science  is a series of nine contemporary, bold and attractive books for teaching science. Excel in Science completes the series for the middle school level. The books are closely aligned to the NCF and fulfil the CCE requirements of the NCERT comprehensively.
The books follow the scientific method and encourage hands-on learning. With these books, students will become thoroughly grounded in both the theory and practice of science and emerge as young scientists.

The key features of the books are:

  • Well-structured lessons, with lesson objectives, theory, practical work and exercises that completely cover the NCERT syllabus and adhere to the guidelines laid down in the CCE Manual
  • Clearly labelled sections for formative assessment (FA) and summative assessment (SA), with a list of FA activities for easy access
  • Two summative assessment papers, two formative assessment papers and suggestions for two practical exam papers (The summative papers follow the pattern suggested by the CBSE.)
  • A National Science Olympiad practice paper
  • A section titled ‘Be a Scientist’ that encourages students to use the scientific method
  • Information on scientists and inventors to inspire students
  • Heritage corner to inform students about the advance in scientific thought in ancient, medieval and modern India
  • Simply worded text for easy understanding
  • A glossary of important words
  • Colourful illustrations and images

Each lesson includes:
Learning objectives     Clear goals for students
Get active!             A pre-learning mind opener activity with a full-page picture
Quick check!         Questions within the chapter to gauge understanding (FA)
Do it!    Activities and experiments for students to carry out and learn from (FA)
Niblet           Related and interesting information
To sum up...           A brief overview of the lesson
Assessment corner      Exercises in the NCERT pattern (SA)
Higher-order thinking skills and problem solving Questions that test the higher-order thinking skills and problem-solving skills of students (SA)
Life skills and values   Skills that help students cope with problems in daily life and develop values for life (FA)
Activities for formative assessment       A variety of projects, experiments and activities as listed in the CCE Manual (FA)
Web links  Links to websites with interesting information and activities

Tara Sridhar has over two decades of experience teaching science at various levels in renowned schools in Chennai. She retired from Calibre Academy International School, Chennai.
Jaipriya Balaji has over 15 years of experience in teaching and has worked in renowned CBSE and ICSE schools all over India. She teaches science and mathematics at NPS Bengaluru.
Padmini Balasubramaniam has over 20 years of experience in teaching science at various levels and has worked in renowned schools in Chennai and Bengaluru. She has taught physics, chemistry and biology for levels 6–8. She retired from Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan, Chennai.
Dimple Sood has around 15 years of experience teaching biology at the secondary level in DPS Rohini, New Delhi. She was a member of the Mentoring and Monitoring Team for the Implementation of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation System in Science by the CBSE.

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