Revisiting India’s Partition: New Essays on Memory, Culture, and Politics
Amritjit Singh, Nalini Iyer, and Rahul K. Gairola (Eds)
158 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

Revisiting India’s Partition: New Essays on Memory, Culture, and Politics is a contributory volume on the Partition of India on the eve of Independence. There are 19 essays in the book drawn from interdisciplinary backgrounds on several topics pertaining to the Partition, including decolonisation and post-colony, economic development and nation-building, cross-border skirmishes, terrorism, and nationalism. The volume covers areas beyond Punjab and Bengal and includes analyses of Sindh, Kashmir, Hyderabad, and more broadly South India, the Northeast, and Burma. It, in fact, extends and expands on the original notion of the ‘Long Partition’ to examine the cultural, political, economic, and psychological impact the Partition continues to have on communities in South Asia and throughout the diaspora. 

Useful for scholars in literary and cultural studies, history, political studies, sociology, Asian/South Asian studies, and women’s studies, the book has a thought-provoking introduction which provides a multi-vocal, multi-focal, transnational commentary on the Partition in relation to motifs, texts, and regions that have earlier been ignored.

Amritjit Singh is Langston Hughes Professor of English at Ohio University. 
Nalini Iyer is Professor of English and Director of Research at Seattle University.
Rahul K. Gairola is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at IIT-Roorkee. 

Introduction: The Long Partition and Beyond
Amritjit Singh, Nalini Iyer, and Rahul K. Gairola

Part I: Approaches to Partition

1   Specters of Democracy/ The Gender of Specters: Cultural
Memory and the Indian Partition
Radhika Mohanram
2    Lost Homes, Shifting Borders, and the Search for Belonging
Jasbir Jain
3   A Will to Say or Unsay: Female Silences and Discursive
Interventions in Partition Narratives
Parvinder Mehta
4   Migrations in Absentia: Multinational Digital Advertising
and Manipulation of Partition Trauma
Rahul K. Gairola

Part II: Nations and Narrations
5   Exorcizing the Ghosts of Times Past: Partition Memoirs as
Tarun K. Saint
6   Difficult Choices: Work, Family, and Displaced Women in
Partition Writings
Debali Mookerjea-Leonard
7   Refugees as Homo Sacers: Partition and the National
Imaginary in The Hungry Tide
Amrita Ghosh

Part III: Borders and Borderlands

8   Property, Violence, and Displacement: Partition in Sindh
Nandita Bhavnani
9   The Long Shadow of 1947: Partition, Violence, and
Displacement in  Jammu & Kashmir
Ilyas Chattha
10  From Frontiers to Borders: Partition and the Production of
Marginal Spaces in North East India
Babyrani Yumnam
11  Looking East: Melodramatic Narrative, Ecotheater, and the
“Forgotten Long March” in Jangam
Amit R. Baishya

Part IV: From Pakistan to Bangladesh
12 The Never-Ending Partition: Pakistan’s Self-Identification
Amber Fatima Riaz
13  Partition and the Bangladeshi Literary Response
Kaiser Haq
14  Cosmopolitan Aesthetics in Shakeel Adil Zada’s Baazigar
Masood A. Raja
15  The Nexus of Class, Identity, and Politics in the
Representational Economy of Partition: The Case of Hasan
Azizul Huq
Md. Rezaul Haque
16  Partition and Beyond: Intizar Husain’s Quest for Meaning
and Vision
Tasneem Shahnaaz and Amritjit Singh

Part V: Partitions Within
17  Buckle in the Hindu Belt: Contemporary Hindu-Muslim
Violence and the Legacy of Partition in Banaras
Jeremy A. Rinker
18  Hyderabad, Partition, and Hindutva: Strategic Revisitings
in Neelkanth’s “Durga” (2005)
Nazia Akhtar
19  Partition’s Others: The View from South India
Nalini Iyer

1. Lines in the sand I The Hindu, December 2016
2. Varied Registers of Remembrance | The Book Review, October 2016
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