Practical Geography: A Systematic Approach
Ashis Sarkar
216 x 280 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

The modern academic discipline of geography is rooted in ancient practice. Its separate identity was first formulated and named some 2,000 years ago by the Greeks when they combined the Greek words geo and graphein to mean ‘earth writing’ or earth description’.

What is Practical Geography? Each branch of systematised knowledge has certain tools and techniques on which it depends to further its basic objectives. Geography too has certain devices of its own—important among them are globes, maps, charts and models. Practical Geography is the study of these devices and tools which are involved in their construction and use.

Practical Geography: A Systematic Approach explains the techniques of surveying and cartography, using mathematical and statistical methods. Divided into five units—map making, statistical analysis, map interpretation, field techniques and advanced techniques of surveying—this book lays special emphasis on the methodology of surveying and cartography.

  • A few important features of this book are:
  • Map making (scale, map projection and surveying)
  • Data analysis and representation
  • Interpretation of different kinds of maps—geological map, weather map, topographical map, aerial photographs and satellite imageries
  • Field techniques

Lucidly written, this volume will be indispensible not only for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of geography, but also for the scholars and practitioners of the discipline.

Ashis Sarkar is a distinguished academician in the fields of cartography, geomorphology, quantitative geography and geoinformatics. As a member of the West Bengal Senior Education Service, he is currently Head, PG Department of Geography, Chandernagore College. Professionally, he is a member/resource person/life fellow of a number of academic bodies/societies. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Journal of Spatial Science.

Unit I: Map Making
Chapter 1: Presentation of Map Scales and Measurement on Maps
Chapter 2: Map Projection
Chapter 3: Surveying
Unit II: Statistical Analysis
Chapter 4: Statistical Methods
Chapter 5: Presentation of Geographical Data
Unit III: Map Interpretation
Chapter 6: Geological Map
Chapter 7: Weather Map
Chapter 8: Interpretation of Topographical Map
Chapter 9: Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
Unit IV: Field Techniques
Chapter 10: Identification of Minerals and Rocks
Chapter 11: Field Study
Unit V: Advanced Tools Analysis
Chapter 12: Geographical Information System


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