Bangladesh, My Bangladesh
Sheik Mujibur Rahman and Ramendu Majumdar
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Orient BlackSwan
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This book presents, in Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s own words, an unusual view of the events and circumstances leading up to the Proclamation of Independence by Bangladesh. Thirty two speeches and statements made by the Sheikh between October 28, 1970 and March 26, 1971 tell us a story which has been heard in bits and pieces before but never with the continuity and intensity that this volume achieves by letting readers hear it from the man himself.

What emerges is not only a potrail of the transformation of a people into a nation, of a province into a country, but also of the evolution of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman himself from the Awami League Chief to the leader of seventy five million human beings.

Editorial notes have been provided for each selection; ten appendices reproduce documents which support the main text. Compiled by a Bangladesh national who was directly concerned with the happenings, this is an authentic as well as moving account.

Sheik Mujibur Rahman and Ramendu Majumdar

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