Aaj ka Bharat: Arth aur Samaj
Basuki Nath Chaudhary and Yuvraj Kumar (Eds.)
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan
  1. Aaj ka Bharat: Arth aur Samaj is a syllabus based undergraduate textbook for the ‘Contemporary India paper[Samkaleen Bharat paper]’ of University of Delhi.  This is one of the papers of the Second Semester of Foundation course of three year BA Program of Delhi University. This is a paper for 100 marks credit at this level.
  2. The chapters have been contributed by the faculty members of political science and economics of various affiliated colleges of Delhi University.
  3. The book discusses the various issues pertaining to the Politics and Economy in   Contemporary India as of 2013, as it covers under this broad head the following:
    1. Economy related issues like basic features of Indian economy at independence; the strategy of development in India in post independence era: liberalization and role of state; major economic problems and public policy: poverty, unemployment, food security and regional disparity; and some important constituents of economic policies in present times.
    2. The book also includes a chapter on changing nature of social sector: assessment of public policy in respect of education and health sector; technology polices in India’s development; and catalysts of social change: universal education, adult suffrage and mass media.
      Thus, the book provides a complete insight into the situation of current India with reference to polity and economy.
  4. The book will be useful for the undergraduate courses in political science of other Indian universities of Hindi speaking states in the country; and  also for the aspirants of UPSC and allied civil services. It must be promoted equally well in the IAS coaching institutes.

Dr Basuki Nath Chaudhary is Associate Professor of Political Science, PG DAV College [evening], University of Delhi. He has experience of teaching this subject now over 25 years.

Dr Yuvraj Kumar, UGC Post-Doctoral fellow of Political Science, University of Delhi. A Ph.D in Political Science, he taught for seven years to undergraduate students in Satyawati College [DU] before he joined the department in the university in his current affiliation.

  1. Swatantrata prapti ke samay Bharatiya arthvayvastha ki moolbhoot visheshtayein.
    [Basic features of Indian economy at independence]
  2. Swatantrayottar Bharat mein vikas ki ranniti: udarikaran aur rajya ki bhumika
    [The strategy of development in India in post independence era: liberalization and role of state]
  3. Pramukh arthik samasyayein aur sarvajanik niti: garibi, berozgari, khadhya suraksha aur ksetriya aasamanta
    [Major economic problems and public policy: poverty, unemployment, food security and regional disparity]
  4. Vartamaan Arthik niti ke pramukh Ghatak: Vittiya, vyapaar tatha buniyadi sanranchna
    [Some important constituents of economic policy in the present times: financial, trade and infrastructure constraints]
  5. Samajik ksetra ka badalta swaroop : shiksha evm swasthya niti ke sandarbh mein [changing nature of social sector: assessment of public policy in respect of education and health sector]
  6. Bharat  ke vikas mein vigyan evm prodyogiki niti: soochana prodyogiki evm samajik parivartan  [Science and technology policy in India’s development]
  7. Badalta samajik dhancha [Changing social structure]
  8. Samajik parivartan ke utprerak: Sarvbhaum shiksha, Vayask matadhiakar aur jan sanchar  [Catalysts of social change : universal education, adult franchise, social movement and  mass media]
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