The Structure of Hindu Society- Rev. Edn.
Nirmal Kumar Bose
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Orient BlackSwan
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This book appears in English translation more than a quarter of a century after its first appearance in Bengali. The lucid and scholarly translation from the original Bangla Hindu Samajer Goran has been done by Andre Beteille. Prof. Beteille’s introduction analyses the qualities of Bose’s mind and work, especially as illustrated in this book and his preface to this revised edition enriches this valuable study. The author has undertaken an ambitious task in which he has attempted to identify the organising principles of Hindu society, the factors which ensured its continuity for centuries, and the forces by which it is ultimately weakened. This book is impressive in its design. It brings together, within a single framework, approaches which are ordinarily practised separately by ethnographers, Indologists and social historians.

Nirmal Kumar Bose

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