The World Bank in India: Undermining Sovereignty, Distorting Development
Michele Kelley and Deepika D’Souza
158 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

Bringing together academic discussions on public policy and the experiences of the common people of India, this collection of essays by a range of eminent scholars across disciplines tackles the problems of contemporary development policy and contributes to the ongoing debate.

The current financial crisis has clearly demonstrated the inability of international financial institutions to maintain a stable global economic order. However, few challenges to this order have been taken seriously due to the nearly complete dominance of the ideology of free markets. This volume contributes to the emerging critique of the present economic order and attempts to find alternatives.

The essays originate from testimonies given at the Independent People’s Tribunal on the World Bank held in New Delhi. The book discusses the ways in which the World Bank has used undue leverage to impact key sectors of India’s economy and shows that the Bank’s policies of extreme marketisation, trade liberalisation and reduced public spending have created a shocking trend of jobless growth and increased poverty for the majority of people in India. It also covers the negative impacts of the World Bank on local democratic processes and their negative ramifications on the environment. This work is a timely contribution to the debate over pro-poor versus pro-corporate development policy in India and across the globe.

Michele Kelley
A New York based political organiser and activist, Michele Kelley has studied the World Bank and development policy and is a member of the Secretariat of the Independent People’s Tribunal on the World Bank.

Deepika D’Souza
Deepika D’Souza is the Executive Director, Human Rights Law Network, and is a founding member of the Secretariat of the Independent People’s Tribunal on the World Bank. She is a human rights activist and has co-edited Disability and the Law (2005).

List of Tables, Figures and Boxes
About the Independent People’s Tribunal on the World Bank
Deepika D’Souza
List of Abbreviations
World Bank Out of India
Michele Kelley

I: The World Bank’s Role and Functioning

1. The Economic Aspects of World Bank Activities in India
Arun Kumar

2. The Midwives of Corporate Totalitarianism?
The Political Economy of the World Bank in Historical Perspective
Aseem Shrivastava

3. The World Bank as a Knowledge Creator
How the Bank Uses Flawed Processes to Generate Unsound
Knowledge for Promoting Disastrous Policies
Shripad Dharmadhikary

4. The Revolving Door of the World Bank
Suborning Policy and Decision-makers by its Pocketbook
Prashant Bhushan

5. The Changing Role of the World Bank in India
Prabhat Patnaik

II: Poverty and Employment

6. Poverty
Persistence, Entry and Escape
Aasha Kapur Mehta

7. Employment in the Time of Liberalisation
Praveen Jha

8. The World Bank and Labour in India
J. John and R. S. Tiwari

9. Microcredit
Magic Bullet or Poison Pill?
Kalyani Menon-Sen and Kalpana Kannabiran

III: Undermining India’s Sovereignty and Democratic Processes

10. Partners in the Erosion of Sovereignty
Smitu Kothari and Benny Kuruvilla

11. Food Security, Good Governance and the Role of the State
Harsh Mander

12. Governance and the Growth of the Black Economy
Saumen Chattopadhyay

13. Delhi’s Water Privatisation Plans
Arvind Kejrival

14. How Transparent is the World Bank?
Nikhil Dey

15. Mining and the World Bank Inspection Panel
Tony Herbert

16. The Impacts of Hydropower and Failures of Redress
Himanshu Thakkar
IV: India’s Agrarian and Food Security Crises

17. The World Bank and Indian Agriculture
Bhaskar Goswani

18. The World Bank and its Impact on Food Security
Utsa Patnaik

19. Financial Liberalisation and the Agrarian Crisis
C. P. Chandrasekhar

20. The Exit from Agriculture
Devinder Sharma

21. Targeting, Exclusion and Food

22. The Genetic Engineering of Crops
Suman Sahai

23. The Privatisation of Seeds
Afsar Jafri

V: Corporate Greed and Common Goods

24. Electricity Sector Reform
Sreekumar N.

25. The Privatisation of Water
Shripad Dharmadhikary

26. The Neo-liberal Assault on India’s Education System
Anil Sadgopal

27. The World Bank and Health
Imrana Qadeer, Sundari Ravindran
and Bijoya Roy

28. Structural Adjustment in Karnataka State
Vinay Baindur

VI: Land Grabs and Displacement Struggles

29 The World Bank and Forests
Ashok Chowdhary

30. History Repeating Itself
The World Bank’s Role in Global Tourism Development
Ranjan Solomon and Vidya Rangan

31. Investment In, People Out
The Renewal of Indian Cities
Michele Kelley

32. The World Bank and Disaster Relief
Vanessa Petersand R. M. Alvino

VII: The World Bank and the Environment

33. The World Bank and Environmental Policy Reform
Manju Menon and Kanchi Kohli

34. Poisoned Future
Nityanand Jayaraman and Madhumita Dutta

35. The Carbon Trade and the Marketisation of Global Warming
Praful Bidwai

The Findings of the Jury
1. ANote of Qualification
Ramaswamy R. Iyer
2. Members of the Jury
3. About The World Bank Group in India
Glossary of Terms


Release Date : 23-Sep-2010 Venue : India International Centre, New Delhi
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